Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kfon free? Eligibility for free Kfon Connection
Is Kfon free? It is not free for all. Free connections will be for those with BPL cards and comes in the list after government analysis. See Related Articles 1.How

Why Kfon and Benefits of Kfon ?
The main reason to opt is – It is a government project with high qality data network that matches international quality. It is developed to meet next level requirements of

K Phone Broadband Plans
K Phone Broadband Plans K Phone Broadband Plans The First Subscription Package is KFON 50 – Priced at INR 500 + Tax Per Month. Speed of the connection is 50

What is Kfon? (What is KPhone?)
Kfon KPhone KFON Is Kerala’s Optical Fibre Network Infrastructure That Provides Much-Needed, Inexpensive Broadband Connectivity of 50 MBPS to 500 Mbps To Organizations And Homes. The Network Connects State Government

How is Kfon / Kphone is operated or Working?
Kfon / Kphone is operated or Working? Now, the fibre connectivity is already there in Urban Areas of Kerala. With Kfon cable connectivity, distant places will be connected by existing

What is the motto / aim of Kfon / Kphone?
Aim of Kfon Kfon is aimed to provide free internet facility to low income earning BPL families that is numbered more than 20 lacs at present. Kfon is also aiming

What is the length of Kfon / Kphone cabling in Kerala?
What is the length of Kfon cabling in Kerala? The Length of Kfon Cabling is a Total of 34,859 Kilometres in Kerala. As per the latest information, about 7800 Kilometres

What are the types of Cable used in Kfon / Kphone?
What are the types of Cable in Kfon OPGW – Optical Ground Wire – This is laid through underground trenches / holes mainly on Transmission Tower areas. OPGW cabling has

How Kfon / Kphone Data Transfer System Works?
How Kfon Data Transfer System Works? Kfon network performs on a four-layer style. The names are as: Core Layer – One KSEB (Kerala State Electricity Board) sub-station in each district

Who is the owner of Kfon (Kphone)?
Who is the owner of Kfon The Owner of Kfon is Kerala State Electricity Board And Kerala State IT Infrastructure and Kerala State Government. Kerala State Government has a 2%

When is Kfon / Kphone starting?
When is Kfon starting? Kfon network system will be officially inaugurated on 15 th February, 2021. When is Kfon starting? See Related Articles 1.What is Kfon? (What is KPhone?) 2.How

What is the Cost or Investment of Kfon / Kphone?
What is the Cost or Investment of Kfon The approximate cost of the Kfon project is known as per latest information is about INR 1500 Crores – That is 15,000